What is cyber security? Why is it important? Types of cyber security

What is Cyber Security?

In today's era every one is aware of the term internet and terms related to internet, each one of us uses for some or the other purpose and we should because it consist of huge resources but do you know how much safe you are while using internet? Or details you put in a site is a safe website? Or images, videos or any file that you download is from a trustworthy website?

If you are already aware, well congratulations! because you are one of those people who will keep its data or information secure,but if you don't know from now on you will definitely because you will further come to know how much attention is required while surfing on internet and that is what we call as cyber security.

Cyber security is the practice to protect network, data, device, program, computer from malicious activity, attack or unauthorized access. Cyberattacks mainly focuses on accessing, destroying, manipulating sensitive information to an individual or business for money or any other purpose.

Why is it important?

Cyber Security is important because the organizations collect huge amount of data from different users and store it in a computer or any such device. A specific amount of data could be sensitive which should not be accessed by any third party, to prevent such things from happening in real world it is important to understand the inputs that we give in any website should be secured and legit and the network that we connect in should be privacy protected.

Types of Cyber Security

  • Network Security : 

To secure a computer network from attackers so that the data that is been sent or received from a network should not get disclosed outside a network.

  • Application Security :

To secure a software from any illicit attempt to get access and steal data. A successful software should be designed and deployed properly and the user must update a software whenever it's prompt to.

  • Information Security :

Information should be kept confidential and should maintain the integrity of data every now and then.

  • Operational Security :

Operational security (OPSEC) also known as procedural security is a risk management process. Originally used by military and now becoming popular in a private sector as well which describes strategies to prevent from adversaries from discovering critical operations related data in order to protect sensitive information.

  • Disaster Recovery :
This defines how an organization responds when cyber attack occurs which causes loss of information or data and how an organization restores its information.

Learn : What is hacking, definition and types 



Ethical hacking terminologies

OSI model

Phases of ethical hacking