What is Hacking? Definition and Types

What is Hacking ?

Definition - 

Hacking is an attempt to exploit a system, network, or a device using some tools or techniques to gain unauthorized access in a system to manipulate, corrupt, destroy the data for its own need or to seek a revenge.

Most people think hacking is illegal, well that depends on an intent of a hacker. Hacking can be legal or illegal, If a hacker has a permission to penetrate into a system it's said to be a legal practice because he/she is only securing a system by informing the vulnerabilities to the organization, which is known as ethical hacking

If you are caught performing some illegal activities you will have to face the consequences because the result is going to be drastic, which is known as unethical hacking.

Now that you got to learn what does hacking mean, let's see what are the types of hackers

  • Black Hat Hacker : Black Hat Hackers are also known as crackers. These are the types of hackers who perform illegal activities by exploiting a vulnerability if found in a system.

  • White Hat Hacker : These are pen testers also known as ethical hackers who perform penetration testing by taking legal permission from authorized entity and finding the flaws and reporting to the organization to patch the flaw.

  • Grey Hat Hacker : They are a blend of both black hat and white hat hackers. They exploit a security weakness in a computer system just for fun without the intent of harming the system. There intention is to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners and getting appreciation.

  • Green Hat Hacker : These are called as Script Kiddie or noobswho are new to the field of hacking and breaks into a computer by using automated tools.

  • Blue Hat Hacker : Blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security firm. Who is used to bug-test prior to its launch. They look for loopholes that can be exploited and tries to close these gaps.

  • Red Hat Hacker : These hackers destroy the black hat hackers using malware, trojan, viruses Dos attacks. They are like white hat hackers but they halt black hat hackers.

  • Hacktivist : These hackers utilizes technology to announce social, ideology, religious, or political message.



Ethical hacking terminologies

OSI model

Phases of ethical hacking